"...Kapsalis and company operating at the top of their ferocious game. She’s a beyond-capable vocalist who easily moves in and out of these different vibes and moods in a way that makes each cut a must-hear situation."

- Mike O' Cull, Rock & Blues Muse


"Robbin Kapsalis and Vintage#18 have a level of energy and charisma

that begs to be experienced live."

- Jon Kleinman, Living Blues


“They still exist, the real Soul singers like Robbin Kapsalis, who with her Vintage#18 on SOUL SHAKER, not only completely throws herself, but everything from the band, into the fire for her fans...”

- Rootstime.Be


“As the overall standard is so high, there are several songs here that could easily be someone’s Favourite Track."

- The Rocking Magpie


"...this act is a force to be reckoned with...Robbin simultaneously raises both the flair and energy bars to a whole other level.

Peter "Blewzzman" Lauro, SFL Music Magazine


"...this band is excellent..."

- Steve Jones, Blues Blast


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